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Mardi Himal Weather and Temperature

Mardi Himal weather and temperature

When you’re making up your mind for Mardi, be sure to collect as much information as you can on the Mardi Himal weather and temperature. The overall temperature of Mardi Himal Trek is 15 degrees and it might move -3 degrees.  Autumn time is very relevant for hiking into Mardi Himal. Yet Summer and Winter are not good times for hiking by the way.  Also, the summer is not worth enough for getting with a trekking program unless you are adventurous, the rain that falls in the summer makes the route very dusty and muddy. While in the winter  (December to February ) snowfalls very badly on the trek trail so it might create problems.

When to trek Mardi Himal?

Autumn( September & November ) and Spring (March-May)  are the best timings for hiking to Mardi Himal base camp.  The weather becomes very moderate and the trek will be wonderful.

Mardi Lower base camp Weather and Temperature

Mardi lower Base camp lies at an elevation of 2,990 meters. The average maximum and minimum temperatures of Mardi Lower Base Camp are 21-degree centigrade and – 2-degree centigrade respectively. So, it is worth having relevant clothing.

Usually, flowers bloom in the month of March and May so the trek will be much better during these months. While in summer, even in the winter trek will not be best. Mostly, rain falls a lot in the summer and makes the route very muddy and slippery whereas in the winter cold time brings uneasiness also snowfall.

Mardi High Camp Weather and Temperature

High Camp is the main camp for trekkers in Mardi which lies at 3580 meters from sea level. Overall, the temperature that takes place at 17 degrees and goes to -2 degrees at night.  The Autumn which includes: September, October, November for this high camp even March and May months are the best times. The sky remains very clear and clean so, you will see the amazing views of the peak and mountains.

Hiking in the months of December, January even February could be amazing but the cold will be the main problem though the weather remains. It is good to know about the weather before hiking.

The real monsoon begins in the month of May and June and the temperature becomes very hot and rail falls begin, farmers who do farming during this time. Due to the huge rainfalls, the trek route very muddy and uneasy.  Yet, if you wish to do the trek then you could have an amazing time for hiking. Mid-September is the best time to hike Mardi Himal.

Mardi Forest Camp Weather and Temperature

The altitude of the forest camp is 2550 meters from sea level. So, the temperature moves up to 35 degrees and falls to 10 degrees, which means it is neither hot nor cold and remains a moderate and a good time for trekking.


Finally, Autumn seasons are perfect for trekking to Mardi Himal for the shake of the best weather and climate. However, we are not suggesting to trek in winter and rainfall. Because of the weather, muddy and dusty roads, it is not worth hiking.

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